Manuel Schoch
Manuel Schoch ( 1946-2008 ) was a modern mystic, healer, therapist and teacher. Already in his childhood has perceived the energy-fields (aura) of his fellow beings and had clairvoyant vision and audition of dead persons, spirits and entities and all through his life he has had various mystical experiences.
After school first was farming for a few years. Then he studied psychology in Switzerland and England, where he also refined his psychic and mediumship skills. He worked as the youngest editor of the Swiss television network and as the personnel manager of a big communication company.
After several years of studying with the Irish Healer Bob Moore, Manuel started his own work as an energetic therapist in 1971. He was the co-founder of the Analytic Centre in Zurich and starting in 1974 he was the founder and the head of the Hi-Ho-Collective, an anti-psychiatric institution which was widely known at that time. The unfolding of his healing art lead to the birth of the Tune in Centre for Human Growth and beginning in 1984 Manuel started to express his qualities in the public with talks, workshops, courses and trainings. Doing so he was supported by the other dimension and his spirit guides.
He has developed Time Therapy and also Out of Body Healing. Manuel worked with his own wisdom, clearness, compassion, humour and humbleness. He was married with the greek psychologist Effie Spilioti, he had two sons and lived in Zurich. He was the director of the Tune in Institute for Time Therapy in Zurich, London and Athens. Beside this Manuel is a shining light for everyone that happened to know him, even for a short while.
Effie Schoch
Effie studied Psychology in Athens and took her Masters degree in Psychology in France. She expanded her psychological knowledge in the USA through different experimental and innovative forms of therapy. In the beginning of her career she worked in the public Psychiatric Institution of Athens for one year, taking part in various clinical research and applied psychology projects. She then worked as a psychologist in Athens for eleven years in an institution for people with learning difficulties, where she provided both individual and group psychotherapy sessions.
In 1974 she met Manuel Schoch in an international meeting for dynamic forms of therapies that took place in Athens, and she fell in love with him and his therapeutic approach of working with people, which he called Time Therapy. They married and worked together mainly in Zurich, Greece, England and the USA. They practiced Time Therapy and Modern Meditation both in their professional and private life. In 1995 they founded the Tune In Institute for Time Therapy in Zurich.
For 21 years, Effie lived at Manuels side as his life partner, mother of their son Fabian and as a companion and co-worker in all his international work as a healer, therapist and mystic. She worked as a Time Therapist and Psychologist in the Tune In Institute in Zurich, Athens and London. After Manuel’s death she continues working in guiding Modern Meditation Groups, individual- and couple sessions and supervisions in Time Therapy.

Time Therapie
Each human being has a quality aura… and weaknesses. Each weakness is a symptom of an unexpressed qualitiy. The basic psychological fear (of not being loved resp. not being able to live love) is not changed by understanding the past. It is deeply human and it is transformed by sadness. The dissolving of time creates the direct relationship to the quality aura, the human essence of love, compassion and consciousness. True understanding does not come out of knowledge nor experience, but out of a movement of stillness. Time Therapy integrates psychology and spirituality. Love, joy, peace are natural states of our timeless being.
Time Therapy was founded by Manuel Schoch.
Effie Schoch
email: effie.schoch@gmail.com
Tell: +41 44 912 35 45
Communication and social media manager:
Christina Spilioti